As an advocate for the arts, you understand the power and importance of language and literature, and the strength gained in sharing one’s work with a community. The literary arts enrich our lives and open doors to knowledge and understanding. Thanks to the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities there are programs across the country that value and celebrate poets and writers’ unique ability to share the human experience.
Thank you for sending emails to your elected officials. Thank you for making phone calls and personal visits. Thank you for writing op-eds. Thank you for your advocacy.
Unfortunately the fight to #SaveTheNEA is far from over. This morning, President Trump released his proposal for a FY18 budget (running from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018), which eliminates both the NEA and the NEH.
We need you now more than ever to save these cultural pillars. Call your Senators or Representatives today and tell them to support the NEA and the NEH! It is in our responsibility as American citizens to see that our tax dollars are spent in ways that reflect our priorities.
In the coming days, weeks, and months, we will need your help to continue our fight to #SavetheNEA. Your passion, advocacy and belief in the arts must continue to ensure that the NEA and the NEH are fully funded through FY18 and beyond.
Please encourage fellow supporters of the arts to subscribe to our Action Alerts and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for further updates. We will continue to share Action Alerts here on our blog to make them increasingly easy to share with your communities.
Thank you!