Home > Action Alerts > ACTION ALERT: House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Meets Today

As you know, the White House has proposed eliminating all funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) in the fiscal year 2018 (FY18) federal budget. LitNet has been fighting to protect these vital agencies, and we thank you for all you are doing to help.

TODAY at 3 pm (EST) the House Appropriations Subcommittee on the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies will meet to mark up the FY18 Appropriations Bill.  NOW is the time to contact members of the subcommittee and voice your support for federal funding for the arts and humanities. Ask that they increase funding for the NEA to $155 million.

If you live in a district represented by one of the members of Congress listed below, please call them (not sure? check here). Calls from constituents are our most powerful tool in this effort. If you are not represented by any of these legislators, please call Ken Calvert, the chair of the subcommittee.

Ken Calvert (R-CA), 42nd district
Chair of the Subcommittee
DC #: 202-225-1986
CA #: 951-277-0042

Mike Simpson (R-ID), 2nd district
DC #: 202-225-5531
ID #: 208-334-1953

Tom Cole (R-OK), 4th district
DC #: 202-225-6165
OK #: 405-329-6500

David Joyce (R-OH), 14th district
DC #: 202-225-5731
OH #: 440-352-3939

Chris Stewart (R-UT), 2nd district
DC #: 202-225-9730
UT #: 801-364-5550

Mark Amodei (R-NV), 2nd district
DC #: 202-225-6155
NV #: 775-686-5760

Evan Jenkins (R-WV), 3rd district
DC #: 202-225-3452
WV #: 304-250-6177

Betty McCollum (D-MN), 4th district
DC #: 202-225-6631
MN #: 651-224-9191

Chellie Pingree (D-ME), 1st district
DC #: 202-225-6116
ME #: 207-774-5019

Derek Kilmer (D-WA), 6th district
DC #: 202-225-5916
WA #: 253-272-3515

Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), 9th district
DC #: 202-225-4146
OH #: 216-767-5933

Draft Script:
Hello, my name is [say your name] and I live in your district. When [member’s name] reviews and marks up the FY18 Appropriations Bill, I hope [he/she] will support increasing funding to the National Endowment for the Arts to $155 million. The arts do so much to make our community a better place to live. And they create jobs and boost our local economy.


Thank you for everything you are doing to #SaveTheNEA! As advocates for the arts and literature we must make our voices heard.