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LitNet is the only organization committed solely to advocating for the field of literature.

Founded in 1992 by the Community of Literary Magazines & Presses and Poets & Writers, LitNet has consistently advocated for literature’s interests within the public funding arena. In 1995, LitNet spearheaded a successful campaign to save NEA fellowships for writers, which were under attack. These fellowships remain the only individual grants the NEA is empowered by Congress to make.

LitNet exists to serve the literary community and champion funding for the literary arts. We aim to:

  • Make litnet.org an increasingly more useful tool for all members
  • Improve transparency through regular communication
  • Continue discussions on how to better serve our field
  • Grow the LitNet Action Alert system to better provide advocacy resources
  • Work with members to generate letters to members of Congress, letters to the editor, and op-ed pieces

We have work to do on your behalf.

With your support, we can make an even greater difference. You can become a LitNet member right now, renew your membership, or if you would like to learn more, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  We welcome your partnership.